Seven Signs, and Why You Can't Always Trust Your Brain
Jan 18, 2024There were signs. If I am being honest, there were signs from the very beginning and I knew it, but I didn't know what I know now. So, I did it anyway...
I am talking about my first website. I need you to understand that it took me nearly two months to create my first website. And during the construction of said site, I knew it wasn't right for me entirely. But I proceeded anyway. I designed each page carefully and thoughtfully. Ensuring each one had just the right photos and wording. I even sent it to my husband and sister for editing and comments. Now, I know you are thinking "Mariah, there are literally millions of people who could've done your website for you". But, I was on a budget and I really enjoy creating things, so I was going to do it myself.
The first sign it wasn't right for me was that I was going to need to use another platform for scheduling my clients. I thought I would just "figure that out later". I had a platform in mind so I didn't give the MOST important aspect of my website too much thought, as the scheduling platform could be integrated into the website once I had it set up. I had even had a meeting with a sales rep from that scheduling platform, so I was sure that it was no biggie.
The second and third signs came when I was considering my newsletters and virtual products. I would need another platform for each of those. So, now we are on four platforms total. Crazy, I know. But, I kept pushing through with my design anyway. I went live. I had written two blog posts, posted recipes, blasted everything on Instagram and Pinterest, and was on my way. Things were going pretty good, until...
My website platform had a new AI function for blogs! I was super excited because this could help me streamline my virtual work. I clicked on the link, put in my cc info and, "what?!" It said my cvc wasn't correct. I tried that card twice more, then another card, and another. Frustrated I sent the help desk an email letting them know there was an issue with the billing system and that it wouldn't accept my card. They responded with "seems to be an error from your bank because of the card type" and to try another card. No, that wasn't the problem, I knew it because I had tried another card type and it didn't work, either. Yup. Sign. Number. Four. This sign dragged on because over the next week, I got an email saying I needed a new form of payment for my monthly statement. Are you kidding me?!
Wouldn't you know, that around the time of my cc errors and frustration, I kept seeing an ad for a platform that was boasting the ability to have my website, blog, scheduling, payments, AND digital products all in one spot? When I say I kept seeing it, I mean I really kept seeing it. I even had friends online that were talking about how much they loved it. The problem was, it was way more pricey than the one I was using. But, I looked at the site and watched a demo video anyway. Then I had this horrible feeling inside. I wanted it. And the thing about wanting to join this platform, it would mean that I was going to have to redo absolutely everything that I had spent, at this point, five months on. It made me sick. I spent the morning stressing and contemplating the pros and cons. At one point I said "I am going to take a shower and sit on this for a while". I turned on the shower and a podcast, and do you know what the topic of the podcast was? Ha! It was "How to Make Better, Faster & Stronger Decisions". (Sign number five) I knew it was the right thing to do, but I was so sad for the time I had lost on what I had currently created. I mean, I was really feeling like crap about the "wasted time". Then the funniest thing happened- I called my husband. I was telling him all about how I found this new platform and how much better it was and how it would streamline my business and how sad I was for the loss of time I had spent on the previous platform. And then I started in on how it was actually "ok" though, because I had the bones that I needed to do a new website, and it would ultimately save me time in the long run, and guess what... it was going to help me generate more money even faster! I was rambling on and on so fast, that he didn't even get a word in. And before I knew it, I said "Well, sounds like I coached myself through this one, I am going to do it. I have to." and I hung up. I am positive my husband probably looked at the phone all confused, like "Uh, ok." as he hung up with me. I didn't give it another second of thought. I went to the website of the new platform, put my card info in, and ya know what... it took it! As if I needed another, it was sign number seven.
Seven. Signs. It took seven different signs before I realized that that one thing was not right for me. Sometimes one sign is all we need, and other times we need the breadcrumbs of the many, many signs that were there before we realize that we have, in fact, made bread.
The important thing I want you to takeaway here, is that it truly is "ok" that I abandoned that old platform. What made it ok, is that I spent five months of my life growing and learning as I created that site. It wasn't a waste at all. I wasn't going to start this new website from scratch, either, because I already had the bones from the other website to work from. And although it was absolutely going to be more work, work that I didn't want to do again, at all... it would be worth it in the long run. Often times in life, we get scared to make a big change because it would feel like the time we spent on that other thing, might be a waste. There's also the fear of something new. Our brains don't like new territory. They like familiarity because it is hard to anticipate danger in the new and unknown. All of our brains do this- it's important to know that, so you can catch yourself when something new presents itself and you are feeling unsure. Ask yourself, "Is this logical fear, or is my brain just trying to keep me in a place of familiarity?" Oh, and don't forget to look for the signs! ;)
Hey, speaking of my new website and platform... What do you think?! This is it! Send me an email or comment and let me know what you think.
*** Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and this is not medical advice. This is for entertainment purposes only. You should consult a medical professional prior to making any medical or lifestyle changes and decisions. ***
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