Ironically, December is a Great Time to Cleanse!
Jan 07, 2025
“Wait, you’re doing a 10 day cleanse in the middle of December? Aren’t you going to miss out on the holiday festivities?”
That was the most frequently asked question when I told people that I was about to start a 10 day Parasite & Heavy Metal Cleanse in the month of December. And yes, I did miss out on some snacking, and yes, it was difficult to have a completely different diet than the rest of my family during peak holiday season. But, once I got past those two *major/minor* details, all of the other benefits proved that it was absolutely worth it.
First, I want to start with the hard stuff, because transparency is important here. In all honesty, it was a terrible time to be on a strict organic fruit and puréed soup diet. Mostly, because fruit is absolutely not in season here in Western, NY. So, pickens were slim, and costs were high! 😑 Aside from that, the many activities and presence required as a mom of two littles during the month of December made for a hectic month. So, yes, it was difficult to focus on myself and to take the time out for prepping and being with myself. Often, I would find myself trying to shout instructions to my kids through the door while trying to “relax” during my enema. From the other side I would hear, “Mom, are you doing that poop thing again?” And, “Mooooom, why would you take pics of your poop? Gross!” 🤣 #teachthemyoung
The thing was, I had followed The Sanctuary for the better part of last year and saw the results other people were having and I could NOT wait to do it. I watched countless reels of all the sludge and gunk that came out of others and I just knew I wanted to have the same release and before the new year.
“I don’t want to carry all of this crap with me into the new year. I want to start with a clean slate!” (Cleaner, anyway)
That was always my response to the previous comments. Which brings me to… my results, and the many benefits I have had since finishing the cleanse. First, I weighed myself prior to the cleanse, and everyday thereafter. Each day I would fluctuate depending on what came out, and what was going in. BUT, by day 10 I was down ten pounds from my starting weight. What is SO cool about that, is that I’m over two weeks post cleanse now and only TWO of those pounds came back. Which tells me that it wasn’t just water weight, but I really did lose that much weight in sludge. Seriously, I saw what came out of me everyday, so it wasn’t really surprising to me. But, I like to tell other people because it really gives them an idea of what went on during those ten days.
Another amazing benefit, is that I FEEL so much better. I have nearly no achy joint pain, I no longer have a twitching eye ball or heart palpitations, and I no longer have this weird twitching in my stomach that I used to have (that’s a whole other weird thing for another time). When you look at me, there is noticeably something different. I have had several people now say to me “What have you been doing, you’re glowing!” And that feels great.
Another perk of the being on a restricted diet like that, is that it is much easier to pinpoint foods that are causing you issues. For example, I had thought that I maybe had a banana allergy or sensitivity before, and while on the cleanse, each time I ate a banana, I had horrible gas and stomach issues. It didn’t take long for me to figure that out, so once I omitted the bananas from the smoothie, it stopped. I now know that I just shouldn’t eat bananas. Also, (and super gross) I had some chunks of super hard “gummy-like” blobs come out of me nearly each day, and now I am thinking they may have been banana that my body wasn’t able to break down. I mean they were old and petrified, too so I am super glad those are out. 🫶🏻
Naturally, when you do a strict diet like that you don’t want to just jump right back into eating as you once did, so I took a few days to get back into my heavy animal and dairy-based protein diet. And, I have been paying close attention to how my body feels after I eat certain things. It did take about 5 or 6 days for my body to start eliminating regularly again, which for me is 2-3 times a day. I did take my probiotics for a few days post cleanse, just to aide digestion a bit more. Also, I try to ensure that I get my fermented foods in multiple times a day, too. Overall, things have been going very well and moving right along.
Unfortunately, I did manage to get a super nasty respiratory bug that had me down for a few days or so in the beginning of the last two weeks post cleanse. I really tried to allow myself some time to recharge and recover from that. One thing I am SO immensely grateful for is my sauna blanket. They sent my replacement blanket and it arrived at the tail-end of the cleanse. It would have been great to have during the cleanse. But, I have been trying to use it nearly every single day since. It’s such an amazing tool for sweating and eliminating waste. I sweat in this blanket in a way that I definitely don’t while exercising (not to mention you literally just have to lay in it, there’s no movement required 🤯) It feels like I am cheating, in a way. #sorrynotsorry
In conclusion, doing this 10 day cleanse was just as great as I knew it would be- timing and chaos considered. If you are reading this and debating or thinking about doing a cleanse like this, I will put the link to mine HERE so that you can check it out! If you are curious about the daily details of my cleanse, I posted daily on Instagram. There is a highlight reel titled “🪱 Cleanse”, go check it out! I can’t wait to do this cleanse again, I am shooting for May-June timeframe when there is a bit more fruit variety and I have a little more free-time. #quietbathroom
If you have any questions, shoot me an email or comment! Thanks for following along!
*** Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and this is not medical advice. This is for entertainment purposes only. You should consult a medical professional prior to completing any type of cleanse, parasitic or otherwise, prior to the use of any sauna product, and before making any medical or lifestyle changes and decisions. ***
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