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9 Practices to Help You Snap out of a Winter Funk

coaching good vibes hydration intentions sleep hygiene winter Feb 01, 2024

It’s February!  Thank god. I don't know about you, but January felt to me like the longest year, ever. The weather is dark and rainy here in Western, NY and we haven't had sunshine in what feels like three weeks.  This type of weather always seems to put me in a type of “funk”. I get agitated easily, I feel sleepy, I start to lose motivation, etc. The first good step is the self realization that you are “stuck in a low vibe funk”, so congrats if you’ve had it. I used to live in that low vibe funk for months at a time during winter and not know why or how to fix it. But, I am going to share some of the practices that I have learned over the last few years for raising your energy and your mood so that hopefully, you can benefit from them, too!  I also want to let you know, that if you truly feel like you are going through a hard time and it’s not just a temporary “funk”, but more like a place where you need to talk to a medical professional, than you absolutely should do that. There is no shame whatsoever in that, and there were many times in my life I wish I would’ve done that sooner. If there’s even the slightest  little hint of a thought you may need to get professional medical help, please don’t wait. Talk to someone you trust and then get the medical help you need. The tools below are not medical advice in any way. These are daily practices that you can do to help raise your vibrations, get the wheel of motivation turning again, and to help you feel more grounded, but they are not a replacement for medical help. 

Are you ready to find out what I do? I hope you are as excited as I am, because most of these practices you can start right this second!

Here is what I do:

1. Hydration Check- Have you ever noticed that when you are dehydrated you reallllly feel like crap? Yup?! Me, too. This is such an easy thing to implement, but not as easy to pinpoint if you aren't a frequent water drinker. So, make sure you are getting your water in. These days I like to add lemon and a pinch of sea salt to mine. Delicious! And, I carry it everywhere I go so it's now a habit. Another incredible benefit of being hydrated, your skin looks plump and glowy. Yeah!

2. Sleep Check- I know it, you hear this all the time, but did you know that sleeping too much can also make you tired? And these long days of darkness can make it easier to sleep longer. How long should you sleep? Everyone is different, so I can't tell you how much sleep to get, but I can tell you that you should be on a schedule. The average adult needs 7-8 hours a night. (I will do a future blog post just about sleep soon)

3. Get Outside- The earlier the better! When your eyes see the daylight it helps regulate your circadian rhythm . It tells your body it is time to be “awake”. You also get the Vitamin D benefit when you are outside. There is no replacement for fresh air, either. Lastly, it’s a major bonus is if you can get your bare feet on the ground. One of my favorite things to do in the summer is to practice grounding and walk around barefoot any chance I get. (There most certainly will be a blog post about grounding in the near future) 

4. Check Your Self Care Routine- See my post on Self Care Musts. Are you doing these? If not, start them today.

5. Get Moving- This doesn't necessarily have to be a workout, either. You can turn on your favorite song and dance in your kitchen. Sometimes I will do just that- song up loud, me dancing and throwing my hands up in the air, intentionally smiling, and a few added "whoo" and "yeah" shouts. I know it sounds silly, but getting your blood flowing while tricking your brain that you might actually be happy, will actually make you feel happy. Give it a shot.

6. Remove the Negative-  Man, I cannot stress this enough. If you are feeling like crap, do.not.consume.more.crap. Refrain from things like: the news, shows or movies that have low vibes, music that is filled with bad vibe lyrics, avoid conversations with people that bring drama or downer topics. I know some of these are tough to avoid, but try. This is a big one.

7. Increase the Positive- Ha! Bet you saw this one coming! Text a friend/family member/coworker something positive or a compliment. Write your gratitude list in your journal. Listen to happy, high vibe music. Watch a documentary about something you don't know anything about. Buy your favorite coffee or snack. Whatever brings you joy. Do those. Increase the high vibes on purpose. 

8. Be Intentional- Plan for happiness! Check your schedule or planner and if you don't have one thing every day on there that makes you happy, add one and be sure to do it. Small daily bursts of joy and one weekly joy bomb are what I strive for. For me, my daily burst is getting my coffee. Weekly, it's family game nights or a date with my husband. I always say "If you don't plan for it, it won't happen". If you want to get realllly crazy, you could plan a monthly mini trip to somewhere you have never been, or plan it at your favorite spot. Do what feels like you. But you have to plan for it.

9. Sign up for Coaching with Me- Yup! You can sign up for your FREE initial coaching session here In this 45 minute intro session we will review your health history, review your current goals and kickoff your coaching program. These free spots fill up quick, so schedule yours today!

Ok, so there they are!  I hope you try some or all of these practices and I hope they truly help you get to feeling like your best self again. I believe in the power of intention and I believe in you!

 As always, if you have any questions or comments you can contact me here. Be well!



*** Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and this is not medical advice. This is for entertainment purposes only. You should consult a medical professional prior to making any medical or lifestyle changes and decisions. ***


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